Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Global Warming Causes and Effects

Global Warming
Global warming is a problem that has developed into a world issue because of it obvious impacts in the world wide. Global warming affects our food production, landscape shaping and amount of drinking water available.
The main causes of the global warming are the smoke from the vehicle and factories which generate the carbon dioxide along with the greenhouses gases. Also, the gases that appear from the volcanoes, forest fires and deforestation are playing an affective role to raise global warming danger in the world wide. In addition, cutting trees’ forests along with burning fossil fuels in factories and automobiles lead to increase the CO2 amount in the atmosphere because trees absorb CO2 to generate food. Traffic and economy booming is contributing as well to the global warming. For example, more roads and buildings which are being built along with traffic rising lead to this problem as vehicles relief CO2. Consequently, all these factors were categorized as human activities.
A specific cause
Moreover, burning waste in some countries is major problem in some countries that used to burn the garbage lead to increase the percentage of poisonous gases as CO2, Methane and Nitrous Oxide in the atmosphere. Some countries are burning the waste as a way to decrease the pollution but the negative aspects of burning the wastes might increase the majority of global warming. Some countries are setting some lows to recycle the waste instate of burning it.
To identify global warming effects, I will represent some of them below. First of all, melting ice caps which lead to increase in sea levels and then cause floods. For instance, when the ice melts, it causes an increase in the sea level. Additionally, high temperatures heat the sea water and as the sea water absorbs the heat. Furthermore, hurricanes can be another affect of the global warming which simply we can identify it as tropical storms, their speed can reach 74 miles per and this speed is enough to make disasters. The smoke coming out from the fire has many effects on people’s heath as it causes diseases like heart and lung diseases.
A specific effect
Also, global warming may cause forest fires which can be destructive results that affect plants, animals and people. For example, some kinds of animals like birds, bugs and mammals depend on forest which is being damaged by the fire annually. Also, trees are affected by the fire as they can not survive in an area that burns regularly. Consequently, that makes the species in danger.
In conclusion, global warming main cause is greenhouse gases generated from human activities. It has many effects on our earth as it causes annual increase in the earth’s temperature, ice melting, rising in sea levels and hurricanes.


Abdullah-21 said...

Very nice slides but you need some details on them , hope u the best Abood :p

Khalifa said...

mushi mushi mean hi hi in japanes hahaha

I liked ur causes and effects. also i liked ur ideas. However, I found it too much to read; so i think it will be better if u put them in points it will be easier for reading. lool :P

tc my frind :D

Anonymous said...

Well written article.